Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Houston we have a problem

I'm not going to be disingenuous and complain about the fact that I have a pretty good figure for a 50 year old. In fact, I've been working at it for a year now and I've lost 40 pounds. does make it tricky to fit things. For the lollypop dress, the size that I had to use for the bust is three times bigger than the size I needed for the waist. Then when I tried on the bottom of the skirt the waist was still too big. I ended up taking it in 4 inches.
If you look at the upper left of the skirt, you can see the gap
Taking in the skirt was easy because not only are there six gores, but there is also two darts in the front. However...because I am far from a fitting genius, there is now way more top than bottom. Um, yeah, and...

The camera is merely recreating the amount of vodka it would take to make this dress look right

 So, that space between the top and the bottom? Bad. See that big flap on the side? That's how much extra fabric there is in the top. I think the only thing I can do really is recut the top in the smaller size, and then, since it won't fit my toplayerhalf, I will have to refit the pattern. This is something I've never done. Sooooo, at least I didn't try to do it the night before I had to wear it somewhere.

Making crazy costumes is not nearly as hard as making things to actually wear in real life.


  1. Can you add short wide darts under the bust? Or maybe ask Gertie on her blog for some advice?

  2. Yeah, I've been kind of screwing around with that. You know how sometimes, it takes so long to fix something wrong that it feels like it would just be easier to start over? Of course by 'start over' I mean sit on my mannequin for days taunting me.
